What is an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA)
An Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) is a legal document that grants someone else the authority to make decisions on your behalf in the event that you are unable to do so. There are two main types of EPA: one for personal care and welfare, and another for property and finances.
For personal care and welfare, you will need an enduring power of attorney specifically designed for this purpose. This type of EPA empowers your chosen attorney to make decisions regarding your healthcare services and where you reside if you become mentally incapacitated.
On the other hand, a power of attorney for property allows someone to manage your personal belongings, assets, bank accounts, bills, and other financial matters. This type of EPA can be structured to come into effect only when you are mentally incapacitated, or it can be active immediately, allowing you to grant someone else the authority to sign documents on your behalf even if you are out of the country.
By setting up both types of enduring power of attorney, you ensure that your personal and financial affairs are taken care of by trusted individuals in case you are unable to make decisions for yourself.
What are the criteria for Entry into Residential Care?
To qualify for residential care, a DHB or DHB NASC assesses an individual’s safety in the community, considering their indefinite high or very high needs. Eligibility criteria include age, ranging from at least 65 years to 50-64 years, single status without dependent children, and qualification for publicly funded health and disability services under New Zealand’s Public Health and Disability Act 2000, which includes citizenship or permanent residency.
What is an Admission Agreement
Upon entering a rest home or hospital, you enter into an Admission Agreement—a legally binding contract between you and the residential care provider. This agreement outlines both parties’ rights and responsibilities, detailing the care and services you can expect. Additionally, it incorporates the Code of Residents’ Rights, which sets forth facility rules and procedures for addressing concerns about your care or related issues.
Who Can assign on Admission Agreement
The admission agreement for entering a rest home can be assigned by the individual seeking admission such as the sinior him/her self, their legal representative, or their appointed power of attorney.
What is a Care Plan
When you move into a rest home after admission, an important document called your Care Plan is prepared for you. This document outlines your health and care needs and guides the actions taken to address them. It is created based on your needs assessment and ensures that you receive the necessary care. The Care Plan covers various aspects, including your medical and treatment requirements, information about your diet, instructions for contacting your family or whānau in case of changes in your health, and any other care that is crucial for your well-being, such as cultural and spiritual needs. A registered nurse finalizes and writes up your care plan within three weeks of your admission to the care facility.
While the Person is in Care, What individual Services/Items do they have to pay for
The services that are not covered by the subsidy (that are not contracted care services) include:
- Specialist visits (not publicly funded by the DHB or ACC)
- Transport to other services or outside social functions
- Toll calls (made by the resident)
- Private phone or cellphone
- Newspapers, books and magazines (personal)
- Personal toiletries
- Recreational activities, where those are not part of the normal program
- Hairdresser
- Dietitian, podiatrist or other services that have not been prescribed by a doctor or are not funded by the DHB
- Spectacles, hearing aids and dental care.
Can You Bring Your Own Furniture?
We encourage residents to add unique touches to their rooms. It’s simple to connect the TV, hang pictures and photos, sit in your preferred chair or enjoy special bedding.
Can You Negotiate to Bring Your Own Pet
Yes, We will try to assist with pet care if necessary and are happy to discuss this
Can a resident adjust the heating in their own room?
In some cases. Our facilities are heated with electric heaters or central heating throughout so that a warm and comfortable environment is maintained, however, the temperature can be altered at the patient’s request.
Is Smoking Permitted?
All our facilities are Smoke-free, however, we do have outdoor areas set aside for smoking.
Are there sprinklers installed?
Yes, each room throughout the hospital has sprinklers as per strict regulatory requirements.
For your information
Call Needs Assessment
0800 631 1234